Rubén Alonso Приложения

Pyramid Lines Beta
Rubén Alonso
Make your opponent cross out the last lineofthe pyramid lines!> You can play over LAN networks with your friends. Soonwillbe available over Internet!
What The Shake! Beta
Rubén Alonso
Try shaking the phone as often as possible inagiven time!
GamGage 🤝 Engagement Calculator for Instagram 9.2.3
Rubén Alonso
👌 GamGage: the engagement meter ➤ With GamGage you can calculatethe real engagement with the followers of your profile or any otherpublic profile of Instagram. Free and fast, in one step. 🤔 How doesit work? ➤ It is very simple, just enter the username of theInstagram you want to analyze, press the "Calculate" button and atthe moment you will see the data of that profile: the averages oflikes and comments it has in its last posts, the value of theengagement calculated, etc. That's it! 😃 You can also use the extrafunctionalities to save a history of calculated engagements foreach profile and track and analyze followers in Instagram. 🤔 Whyuse an application like this? ➤ Nowadays to get followers inInstagram free is easy, even if they are false and only serve asego metrics, but what is really valuable is to have an activecommunity that participates and interacts with the publications ofour profile, either giving likes 🖤 or leaving comments 🗨. That'swhy this app is born, to have a quick and simple way to measurethat "commitment" that gets an Instagram profile with itsfollowers, that calculates if the publications really receive aninteresting interaction ratio from its followers. 📐 How doesGamGage calculate the Engagement? ➤ The algorithm that uses GamGageis very simple. It is based on the data that anyone can seedirectly accessing the user's profile in Instagram, as long as thisprofile is not configured as private. These profile data that aretaken into account for the calculation are: -Likes: of the latestpublications -Comments: in the latest publications -Followers: ofthe profile -Etc... With these data, the algorithm averages likesand comments, giving more weight to comments than to likes becausethe "effort" of leaving a comment is greater than that of a like,which could be considered as a greater commitment. Then he addsthese averages with their respective weights, makes someadjustments, divides them between the number of followers that theprofile has and multiplies it by 100 to have a percentage orproportion of the user's commitment, what we call the InstagramEngagement. 📈 Analysis of the calculated result ➤ The valueobtained with GamGage may vary depending on the sector to which theprofile belongs. * For example, a profile with X ig followers ofthe gastronomic sector could have few comments and many likes ig(Instagram). While a profile with the same X ig followers dedicatedto helping people could have many more comments (watch out, thisdoesn't always have to be so either). Therefore, the value ofengagement is important to use as a metric with which you cancompare similar profiles or at least within the same sector,because the objectives that these profiles have will be similar. ❗Important ➤ GamGage IS NOT an official or affiliated Instagramapplication. It only collects public and accessible data from theprofiles that this social network displays on its website.________________________________ 🔷 The intention is that GamGagewill be a really useful application to measure the commitment ofusers with their followers, so please, if you have any problem oridea, do not hesitate to contact me And it would be great if youcould then evaluate the application or leave a real review to keepimproving it. Thanks! 😊